At the moment we have
20 users online 339 goods and services 300 trade offers made 300 items traded
arambla ...




Of course, you can just look around the site, but in order to make full use of this page, you must register an account. Account registration is free - no joining fees, no monthly payments, no hidden fees. Everthing is free and will be so in the future. Our goal is to provide non-monetary trading environment and without requiring users to pay anything for using it.

Fill in the profile

Once registered, you can log into the portal. The next step is to make sure your profile data is filled in, so that other users can get more information about you. Make sure you pay attention to your personal ad block, since ads of most active users will appear on the start page. Profile page will provide you with current information about your activities.
Fill in the profile
Add items

Add items

Most likely you have things you no longer use or need. The system's aim is simple - to give you an opportunity to offer goods and services for a trade and see what others could offer you back. So the first thing you need to do is to upload description of goods and services that you're wishing to trade or simply share with others.

Search items

The next step you do is you start looking for items of interest. For that purpose you can use simple or detailed search or by using category tree menu you can browse specific category, in order to reach to the interesting item much quicker.
Search items
Make trade offers

Make trade offers

Once the item of interest is found, you can offer a trade to the item owner. In the process of making an offer you may offer one or more items for a trade from your side for one or more items of another user. You can always change the items selection of an offer during offer phase to make offers even more attractive. Make offers and monitor how other users will respond to your offers.

Manage offers

Monitor the ongoing status of the offers made by you and respond to the offers made by the other users to you. If desired, you have a choice to decline an offer or make a counter offer. Also, you can see you own offer history - what and when you have offered to somebody.
Manage offers
Communicate with others

Communicate with others

In order to be constantly informed about new incoming offers and comments about your items, there is an internal mailbox in the portal. In case of successful trade, once trade offer was accepted, you can use mailbox to agree with another party on items exchange or shipping.

Join discussions

In order to keep abreast with portal related news, other users' opinions and suggestions - be proactive: communicate and leave comments. On the forum you leave feedback for other users regarding trade transactions and the level of their success.
Join discussions
Vote in polls

Vote in polls

Don't hesitate to vote in polls on the portal. Your feedback is important to us and it contributes to the development of the portal.

Invite your friends

Don't hesitate to invite your friends to become Arambla family member. The more traders there are, the better chances for you to find a suitable deal as well.
Invite your friends
Post ads

Post ads

If you want to share any information about your product or service without intention of engaging in direct trading activities, you have an opportunity to add this information in the portal as an ad.

Use map

You can mark your location on the map to show it to other Aramblalians. Locate other Aramblalians near you on the map to assist you in finding suitable trade opportunities near by and around or simply discover new places of interest.
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Entertain yourself

Entertain yourself

Enter a community driven entertainment lounge where you can relax by playing exciting games or looking interesting pictures and videos. Leave your comment for the game, picture or video you liked.
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